Friday, October 10, 2008

High School Reunion

So my darling hubby convinced me to break down and go to my high school reunion which is next weekend. I am scared, nervous and a tad bit excited. It is homecoming weekend for my Alma Mater, so I decided to put together a Homecoming Football Tailgate party/come watch football with us and break out your letter jackets. My hubby is excited to meet all the people I went to High School with and find out what kind of a person I was back then. 

Hopefully all goes well in that department, because I have no idea what people thought of me then. So this weekend is doing all the pre reunion things. I have to clean house, because next weekend we have activities every single day of the weekend and pray that it stays clean. Do all my homework for classes ahead of time, because nothing is going to get done next weekend and read ahead. I feel awkward because I haven't yet earned my BA and I feel like most people will make this a success contest of who has the most this, or who etc. 

I also feel strange, because I haven't kept the circle of friends that I had in High School. After High School we all went our own ways. Which in a way I guess has been a good thing. I have gone on my own journey, joined the Marines and went through quite a few trials to end up where I am now. 

Ten years ago, I thought I would be much further along then I am now. I hope that the next ten years only bring more accomplishments and happiness. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Come hang out with us! It will be fun! I'm sure lots of people are looking forward to seeing you. Even if you haven't stayed in touch with your good friends, it's always fun to see old friends! No your hubby coming?