Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Adorable Husband

I am going to brag about my hubby a little here, so if it bothers you, let it. 

When I met Richard 5 years ago, the first week of December 2004, I had no idea what was in store for me over the next 4 years, or the journey I would take that would end with me as his wife. We faced a lot of hardships from the get go. Different backgrounds, different ways of being raised and then there was the slight age difference. I had just gotten out of a pretty serious relationship because of some difficulties and wasn't exactly ready to hit the ground running with another one. Little did I know, that first six months we dated, some pretty weird things happened. First, we met off of a website called HOT or NOT. ( they had a little meet me part of the website where if you mutually wanted to meet the other person, there was a chance to. We talked for a couple weeks via chatting online, and then proceeded to talk on the phone a couple of times. We later met that first week of December 2004 to go Christmas Shopping and later went to eat. The first weird thing that happened was, right off the bat for some reason we kissed each other at the exact same time, as we were about to walk out of the door to his room. It was a light peck, but it was weird how it just happened like that, and afterwards we both, looked at each other like, "oh, okay now that that's out of the way", and we went on our merry way. 

Six months together, and then we broke up. While we were broken up, we were both dating other people, or so I thought. Richard spent that time after we had broken up, trying to win me back. Looking back at it, this was when he really put the moves on hardcore. He was seriously romantic almost to the point it was overboard because we weren't together. Strange, yes. Worked out though, we got back together and then later broke up a second time this time for a much shorter period. 

During that week or two period, Richard really found out what he was missing and ended up asking for me back. I took him back, but I was certain that we would do things differently and that if our relationship was going to go anywhere, we would be together a year solid, before anything else happened. We had both gone through some changes at this point, I had been to a Women's Weekend through Sterling Institute of Relationship. All I can say about that weekend, is that it was worth every penny that I spent going to New York in May and coming back more in control of myself, and on better footing. Richard went to a Men's Weekend , six months later and we were rocky for a bit after that, but once we got through it, we were solid. 

We have faced tough times in our relationship, and it has tested our patience, strength, and our forgiveness for each other. I am so grateful to be blessed with a husband who is so patient and forgiving. He teaches me how to be a better forgiving and patient person. He has also taught me how much the gospel means to me, and that starting over from the basics isn't always a bad thing. That no matter what, I am forgiven by the Lord and have a place in his heart. When I am at my worst, and feel ugly and down. He makes me laugh, and helps me realize what it is to be a child again. We have a mutual love of Anime, and we love to cook together. 

Sometimes, he doesn't always do the small things that other guys do, but he doesn't forget about me. He knows that we have special dates from our relationship. We however are both known to forget the actual days though. We are also able to have our own independent things, and things we do together. Richard supports my love of learning, reading and attending college. He doesn't always understand that I always want to be taking classes, but he knows that I never want to not be learning. I support Richard's business, his love of people and his zest for life. Whenever something bad happens, such as last year and the 4 deaths of close family members in one year and 2 in one month within a week of each other alone, he was right there helping me smile and remember the good times. 

I am grateful for such a wonderful caring man that is my husband, best friend and lover. I thank the Lord for every moment I spend with him, good and bad. Because you can't have the good without the bad. Richard honey, I love you very much! Happy 1 and 1/2 years of marriage a little early, and Happy 5 years of knowing each other this month!!. 

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